Electra Airplane - The Lockheed L-188 Electra is a low-profile, four-engine turboprop commercial airliner designed and built by the Lockheed Corporation of the United States from 1957 to 1961, to meet the demands of American Airlin's demand for a aircraft that could work in the short and long term. domestic medium-haul routes.
The Electra became the first propeller-driven commercial airliner to be manufactured in the United States, and despite very good initial sales, fatal crashes between 1959 and 1960 forced a Costly modifications to the aircraft had to correct a error in the design of the aircraft, which led to the production release of the model this.
Electra Airplane

Many Lockheed L-188 Electras have been converted into cargo planes and some of them are still in service as of early 2016, some firefighting modified copies are also in use, such as tanker planes,
Lockheed L 188 Electra Passenger & Cargo Fsx
This model served as the basis for the Lockheed P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft, an aircraft still in service with many air forces around the world.
Development of the Lockheed L-188 Electra began in 1954 in response to a request from the American company Airlin for an aircraft that could perform well on short and medium range routes. The first prototype performed its maiden flight on December 6, 1957. Many other airlines became interested in the aircraft and soon the order list grew to 144 aircraft. Its first commercial flight was on January 12, 1959, as part of Eastern Airlin.
However, Lockheed Corporation's optimism about the aircraft's future sales was marred by a series of accidents between 1959 and 1960 – two of which separated in mid-flight – leading to numerous order cancellations. As a precaution, speed and altitude limits have been applied to the Electra in action.
After a long investigation by Lockheed in collaboration with NASA, it was finally discovered that the cause of the aircraft's structural failure was an error in the design of the engine structure, which created vibrations caused by the airplane. The entire structure was redesigned, received a lot of structural reinforcement, transferring all existing units from the L-188 through a modification program called LEAP (Lockheed Electra Action Program, in English) Spain: "Lockeed Electra Action Program" ), solved the problem, and authorized the suspension of the flight restrictions with which they had to comply until now.
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However, the image of this aircraft model was seriously damaged for air transport users in the United States, which was one of the reasons for the early production, of the last aircraft delivered, an L-188C, for the Garuda company. January 15, 1961
Of a total of 170 Electras built, as of June 2011, 58 have been taken out of service due to collisions and other accidents. A smaller version of the Lockheed Model 10 Electra, the Lockheed 12 is not as popular as a passenger aircraft but is widely used as corporate and government transport. Some are also used to test new aircraft technologies.
After Lockheed introduced the Model 10 Electra, which carried 10 passengers, the company decided to develop a smaller version to better suit its role as a "tanker aircraft" or company vehicle.

At the same time, the United States Department of Aviation Commerce also assessed demand for a small feeder aircraft and announced a design competition for it. For an applicant to qualify for the competition, a prototype must fly before June 30, 1936.
Lockheed Electra 10a Airplane Stock Photo
Lockheed based its candidate, dubbed Model 12 Electra Junior, around a miniature Electra. It will only carry six passengers and two pilots but will use the same 450 hp (340 kW) Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior SB engine as Electra's mainline version, the 10A.
It also had the Electra's twin rudders and tail fins, which became a Lockheed trademark. The landing gear was a conventional tail tractor, with the main wheels moving rearward in spokes; As was often the case with retractable gears of the time, the bottom of the wheel remained open in the event of an emergency landing or the pilot simply forgetting to deploy a new landing gear, mine.
As in the Electra and the Boeing 247, the main wing of the Model 12 pierces the cockpit; Small steps are placed on either side of the crosspiece to facilitate the movement of passengers.
Although the standard cabin layout accommodates six passengers, Lockheed also offers a more spacious and luxurious layout for business or private owners.
Lockheed Electra Cockpit View
Three days before the competition deadline, at 12:12 p.m. local time, the time deliberately chosen for the Model 12 number.
It turned out that two other competing tests, the Beechcraft Model 18 and the Barkley-Grow T8P-1, weren't ready ahead of time, so Lockheed didn't win. The name "Electra Junior" was not as popular as Electra's original name. Most users simply refer to the aircraft by its model number, the Lockheed 12.
Almost all Lockheed 12s built are 12A or derived from 12A. There was also the Model 12B, powered by a 440 hp (330 kW) Wright R-975-E3 Whirlwind radial engine, but only two of these models were built.

Although Lockheed also announced the Model 12F, powered by the Wright R-760 Whirlwind inline-seven, and the Model 12M, powered by a 290 hp (220 kW) Masco six-cylinder engine,
File:1965 The Burnt Out Wreckage Of Teal Lockheed Electra Zk Tec At Whenuapai, Auckland.jpg
Although the Lockheed 12 won the government competition, most airlines rejected it, and very few Lockheed 12s were used as passenger aircraft.
A notable user of the airline was the new Contintal Air Lines, whose fleet of three Lockheed 12s flew between Dver, Colorado, and El Paso, Texas in the late 1930s.
Another, British West Indian Airways Ltd., flew the Lockheed 12 on Caribbean routes in the Lesser Antilles in the mid-1940s.
Some were purchased by the United States Army Air Corps as military personnel carriers, which the force designated the C-40, and by the United States Navy, which used the designation JO, or in one particular case, R3O-2. With the onset of World War II, many civilian Lockheed 12s were requisitioned by the United States Army and Navy, Royal Air Force, and Royal Canadian Air Force.
Lockheed Electra 10a Vintage Airplane Preparing For Flight On Airport Editorial Stock Photo
Sidney Cotton modified these planes for aerial and civilian photography, surreptitiously flying over and photographing many German and Italian military installations in the months leading up to World War II.
The primary military user of the Lockheed 12 was the Royal Dutch East Indies Army Air Force, which purchased 36 aircraft.
Six of these were the Type 212, a version created by Lockheed to train bomber crews, comprising a .303 in (7.696 mm) machine gun in an unpowered retractable turret mounted on a fuselage section, a .303 caliber second . machine gun fixed in the nose and a bomb pylon under the wing that could hold eight 100 lb (45 kg) bombs.

Several Lockheed 12s were used as test sites for the technology. America. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) purchased two, adding an additional longitudinal fin to each to test stability improvements. One of NACA's Lockheed 12s was used to test "hot wing" de-icing technology, in which hot exhaust gases from the gins are directed over the forward edge of the wing to prevent ice from s 'accumulate.
Model, Static, Lockheed Electra, Amelia Earhart
These had the normal landing gear replaced by a non-retractable version with a large nose wheel and the main wheels moving rearward on spokes.
) The device cannot be retracted because there is no space in the structure to place it in the retracted position.
Simplified parts are placed on the gears to reduce drag. One of the Lockheed 12s wt tricycles returned to the US Navy as XJO-3 and performed landing tests on the aircraft carrier USS Lexington to study the suitability of the biplane tricycle for aircraft carriers operating on aircraft carriers.
Another wt arrived in the US Army as the C-40B, and another was retained by Lockheed for private testing; both were eventually converted back to the normal landing gear configuration.
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Milo Burcham flew a Lockheed 12A in the 1937 Bdix Trophy from Burbank, California to Cleveland, Ohio. This 12A has an extra fuel tank in the cabin, saving it time on a tireless 2,043-mile (3,288 km) journey.
12A came in fifth place with an average speed of 184 mph (296 km/h); It was an impressive performance, as the first and fourth place winners were both Seversky P-35 private fighters.
Another Lockheed 12A, owned by the Republic Oil Company and named The Texan, was modified by pilot Jimmie Mattern for an attempted round-the-world flight. Mattern filled the 12A's cabin with fuel and removed the windows and doors; The crew ter

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